025123976827 | |
info@nemis-ms.de | |
An den Speichern 4a 48147 Münster | |
www.nemis-ms.de | |
German, French, English | |
Monday - Tuesday: 11.00 - 17.00 hrs Wednesday: by appointment Thursday and Friday 13.00 - 16.00 |
The Network of Migrant, Initiative and Self-Help Organizations (NeMIS e.V.) in Münster was founded in 2021 and is intercultural, secular, cross-lingual and cross-origin. The aims of the association include the development of effective concepts and programs to support people in need. The aim is to achieve the participation of all people in social life. The promotion of volunteer work for vulnerable groups such as refugees is a particularly high priority in the association's work. Criticism of racism and the protection of those affected are further key areas of work. NeMIS deals with the causes, effects and consequences of racism, anti-Semitism and other forms of discrimination.
weact contact and advice center
As part of weact, we support people who are affected by racism and multiple discrimination and thus contribute to shaping a society free of discrimination.
Community-based counseling
Community-based counseling gives those affected new horizons for orientation, helping them to feel understood and empowered. Counselors and victims join forces.
The importance of migrant organizations in anti-discrimination work
Migrant organizations have particularly good access to immigrants, bring special expertise, enjoy trust and create space for improving intercultural work.
Community-based counseling focuses on support and systematic guidance to empower those affected by racism. In specific cases, we offer individual counseling. Our tasks also include cross-case work, networking and raising public awareness. Promoting cooperation with local stakeholders is central to our work. In community-based anti-racist counseling, we pay attention to different forms of discrimination. In addition to direct discrimination, which is usually clearly perceived as such by those affected, there are other forms - indirect, structural, institutional and intersectional discrimination, anti-Black and anti-Asian racism. These are sometimes more difficult to recognize and combat.
Médard Kabanda studied International Relations in Congo before coming to Germany in 1990. He studied political science, sociology, economic policy and philosophy at the University of Münster and graduated with a Magister Artium. He then completed his doctorate in political science and sociology. He is involved in numerous projects and organizations on a voluntary basis. He is a member of the City of Münster's Advisory Board for Municipal Development Cooperation in an advisory capacity, where he heads the Migration and Development working group.