
Prisma Queer Migrants e. V.

Badenstedter Straße 12, 30449 Hannover
Deutsch, Englisch, Türkisch, Arabisch, Kurmanci

Open office hours of the weact location in Hannover in collaboration with MiSO-Netzwerk Hannover e. V. (starting from 01.11.2023): 

Tuesdays: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM & 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Thursdays: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM & 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Different office hours can be arranged upon request.

Who we are

Prisma Queer Migrants e. V. from Hannover has been a low-threshold contact point since its establishment, particularly for queer refugees and individuals affected by racism from migrant and post-migrant communities. Those who have been affected by queerphobia, racism, and other forms of discrimination can exchange experiences and create collective impact together. The counselors are specifically available for queer individuals affected by racism and are trained and connected to meet their needs. Prisma Queer Migrants e. V. also provides counseling for individuals affected by racism who do not belong to the queer community.

Our offer

Our weact counselors and our community support you when you experience racism as queer individuals. Together, we develop strategies on how to deal with your experiences of racism.

Upon request, we connect you with other people who experience racism and/or are queer. We collaboratively develop cultural and artistic offerings in and around Hannover.

Queer people of color are welcome to engage with Prisma Queer Migrants e. V.

The Postmig Writers Collective, under the auspices of Prisma, is composed of people of color, individuals with migration heritage, Muslims, Jews, and especially those affected by multiple forms of discrimination. We came together in the summer of 2021 and consist of writers, theater artists, graphic novelists, and poetry slammers.

Our weact team

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Bela Mittelstädt

Bela Mittelstädt studied political science, sociology, and history in Hannover. In his master's thesis, he examined coping strategies and experiences of victims of racial profiling in Hannover through personal interviews with people of color. He has been working at Prisma - Queer Migrants e. V. since March 2023 and is being trained as a community-based racism-critical counselor by the NeMO e. V. Federal Association.


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Kadir Özdemir

Kadir Özdemir is a writer, theater maker, and intersectional trainer. After completing his master's degree in history and sociology, he has been working for 17 years in the field of LGBTQIA+, migration, and asylum, with a focus on their intersectional complexities. Since 2018, he has been a lecturer at the Georg-August University of Göttingen. He is a founding member of Prisma - Queer Migrants e.V. and Generation Postmigration e.V., the initiator of the postmig writers collective, and the curator of the collecting dreams festival. In addition to intersectional and power-critical counseling, his focus lies on empowering individuals affected by racism. He creates healing spaces through creative writing, theater pedagogy, and body work.


Bundesverband Netzwerke von Migrant*innenorganisationen e. V.
Berliner NeMO-Geschäftsstelle

Büro Berlin
Am Sudhaus 2
12503 Berlin
+49 30 26570906
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