An illustration


Rassismus entgegentreten und diskriminierungsfreie Gesellschaft mitgestalten

why does it need weact?

The need for low-threshold counseling services for vulnerable people is very high. Existing services often lack a critical approach to power and racism, multilingualism, accessibility, and diversity among counselors. This supply deficit is visible throughout Germany, but especially in the countryside. It is therefore necessary to support, professionalize and expand counseling structures and services. weact meets the counseling needs of people affected by racism, anti-Semitism and/or discrimination. ## What is the goal of weact?

What is the goal of weact?

weact wants to strengthen people affected by (multiple) discrimination in dealing with racism with the help of advisory services and systemic support. Migrant organizations are to be empowered to help shape local structures free of racism and discrimination.

What exactly does weact do?

With weact, community-based critical counseling and advice centers are being established, tested and professionalized. Counseling centers are being established by 13 organizations, mainly in municipal migrant organizations, in 6 western German states at 11 locations.

What constitutes community-based critical racism consultation?


With us, those seeking advice help determine the setting. For example, where the counseling takes place. When we talk about your concerns, we think about power relations.


We think along with you, that you can be affected by racism or discrimination because of different (ascribed) characteristics.


We are always on your side. We accompany and support you in finding a way to deal with your experiences.


What you share with us stays on our premises. We do not pass on your data and only take action if you want us to.


If needed, counseling can take place in the language of your choice.
Local We advise you as you wish. In our counseling

Free of charge 

There are no costs for the advisory. Our offer is completely free of charge.

What else does weact do?

In five of the eleven locations, the migrant organizations are also working with the municipalities to open up to the public in a way that is critical of discrimination. Dialogues take place in local think tanks, workshops and steering groups (Augsburg, Nuremberg and Munich/Bavaria, Bensheim/Mannheim, Bielefeld, Braunschweig, Münster) to combat racism and discrimination in municipal institutions. Awareness-raising spaces and recommendations for action are offered for local, state and federal government.

Who is weact for?

The target group of weact are mainly people, communities and migrant organizations affected by racism and (multiple) discrimination. Strengthening them and making them visible is the central point within the project.
In the fight against structural racism, weact aims to establish a dialogue with municipalities, institutions and authorities.

advisory centers at weact


Zusammenschluss Augsburger Migranten(selbst) Organisationen e. V. (ZAM)


Fabian Salars Erbe e. V.


Bielefelder Netzwerk der Migrantenorganisationen e. V. (BiNeMO)


Bochumer Netzwerk Migrantenorganisationen e. V. (Bonem)


Haus der Kulturen Braunschweig e. V.


Hannover Prisma Queer Migrants e. V.

MiSO-Netzwerk Hannover e. V.


Bundesverband Netzwerke von Migrant*innenenorganisationen e.V. (NeMO) – that's almost over 750 organizations. Gathered in 21 associations. Active in 10 federal states. All under one roof. Since January 2014, it has been committed to the interests of its target groups: That is the federal association NeMO. That's us. Organized throughout the federal territory, we have anchored sustainable structures and instruments to ensure political development, participatory and anti-racist expertise independent of people. Our structure is created and updated in a grassroots democratic and power-critical manner: representatives of the individual associations under our umbrella are elected to the nine-member board. This board strategically guides the nationwide work of the association.
But it goes even further: On an operational level, we determine the needs of the individual associations, reflect on what has been achieved and implement new projects. This is the task of the executive board, which consists of five people.

Es gibt kein Beratungszentrum in deiner Nähe? Nimm Kontakt mit uns auf!
Bundesverband Netzwerke von Migrant*innenorganisationen e. V.
Berliner NeMO-Geschäftsstelle

Büro Berlin
Am Sudhaus 2
12503 Berlin
+49 30 26570906

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